Goliad Connection
Christi Connection
Paul Jr. (Parents/Siblings)
Pictures provided by Walter Gerard "W. L. Pullam preached a fine sermon. It was about our Christian warfare, his topic: "The believer's warfare against the gates of hell", and subtopic: "To be a Christian is to be at war". His text was 2 Corinthians 10: 3 & 4 and Matthew 16: 18. It was a sermon that I won't forget because I never thought about this type of fighting in a concrete way. I've always seen it as abstract or spiritual only. I know the scriptures about fighting against principalities and spiritual wickedness in high places but he said we fight against immorality, corruption and the like, which paints a real picture for me." (Dea. Walter Gerard)
Hello, I'm Walter Gerard and I have provided these pictures for your viewing pleasure. Click below to start a tour of this wonderful event. |
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©2005-2008 pullam.net
Paul Pullam Jr., BSIT, MIT Student
This site was last updated 05/29/09
Questions or comments can be sent to: webmaster@pullam.net