Goliad Connection Corpus   Corpus Christi Connection  Paul Jr. (Parents/Siblings) 

Simon and Eliza Pullam



Rev. William L. Pullam has diligently traced our lineage. Simon is believed to have changed his name from Pulliam due to family disputes. So, Simon and Eliza is as far back as he is able to trace.

Simons and Eliza's children included:  Henry, Willie, Acy, Annie, Ella, Nancy, and Malicee.

Pictures currently not available

Simon and Eliza Pullam's Children


bullet Henry and Lizzie Pullam
bulletWillie Pullam
bulletAcy Pullam
bulletAnnie Pullam
bulletElla Pullam
bulletNancy Pullam
bulletMalicee Pullam





©2005-2008 pullam.net

Paul Pullam Jr., BSIT, MIT Student

This site was last updated 05/29/09  

Questions or comments can be sent to:  webmaster@pullam.net