Goliad Connection Corpus   Corpus Christi Connection  Paul Jr. (Parents/Siblings) 



Roosevelt (Henry's youngest) and Ada Pullam

Roosevelt and Ada Pullam's children include: Lloyd Alvin, Anita Elizabeth.

Roosevelt was also my Grandfather with the union of himself and Katie Gerard.

Roosevelt and Katie Belle Gerard's child is Paul Milan Pullam Sr. (Deceased)

Pictures currently not available

Roosevelt and Ada Pullam's Children


bullet Lloyd Alvin & Arlena
bullet Anita and Leroy Griffins

Roosevelt and Katie's Child

bulletPaul Milan Pullam Sr.





©2005-2008 pullam.net

Paul Pullam Jr., AAGE, BSIT, MIT, PhD Learner

This site was last updated 05/29/09  

Questions or comments can be sent to:  webmaster@pullam.net