| We have
received so many pictures, articles, lineage information, and family books
that this site has expanded to just the Goliad Connection to store all
this information. |
| You can send emails or question/comments or general information to:
family@pullam.net |
There are conversations to follow below, after the articles and book insert,
including how to get the book. |
"Kelvin this info comes from The History of Refugio Count, Texas.
It was published around 1985 and has a Library number ISBN:
0-88107-030-0. It has information about getting a copy, I'm not
sure if it is still good, but for whatever its worth, here it is;
Curtis Media Corporation
1931 Market Center Blvd.
Suite 105
Dallas, Texas 75207
Phone: (214) 651-1025
Hope this helps some. The lady on the right in the photo is my
Great-grandmother Sophronia, who was kin to Ida Mae Spriggs.
"This is pretty much the same info as the previous e-mail, but I wanted to
send it to you because it was written be one of her son's. The title of
the book is "Frisco". Library number ISBN
0-9624821-2-9. It was published by;
Wexford Publishing
106 West Juan Linn
Victoria, Texas 77901
Phone: (512) 576-4000
If you have any questions or just want to discuss this, feel free to call
or e-mail me. Take care. Oh, if you can't open the .bmp
file let me know and I'll send the info back as a .jpg
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