Goliad Connection Corpus   Corpus Christi Connection  Paul Jr. (Parents/Siblings)


bulletWe have received so many pictures, articles, lineage information, and family books that this site has expanded to just the Goliad Connection to store all this information.
bulletYou can send emails or question/comments or general information to:  family@pullam.net


There are conversations to follow below, after the articles and book insert, including how to get the book.



"Kelvin this info comes from The History of Refugio Count, Texas. It was published around 1985 and has a Library number ISBN: 0-88107-030-0. It has information about getting a copy, I'm not sure if it is still good, but for whatever its worth, here it is;
Curtis Media Corporation
1931 Market Center Blvd.
            Suite 105
     Dallas, Texas 75207
Phone: (214) 651-1025
Hope this helps some. The lady on the right in the photo is my Great-grandmother Sophronia, who was kin to Ida Mae Spriggs.
Karl Oliver"


"This is pretty much the same info as the previous e-mail, but I wanted to send it to you because it was written be one of her son's. The title of the book is "Frisco". Library number ISBN 0-9624821-2-9. It was published by;
Wexford Publishing
106 West Juan Linn
Victoria, Texas 77901
Phone: (512) 576-4000
There Web site is www.wexfordpublishing.com
If you have any questions or just want to discuss this, feel free to call or e-mail me. Take care. Oh, if you can't open the .bmp file let me know and I'll send the info back as a .jpg file.
Karl Oliver"







©2005 pullam.net

Paul Pullam Jr., AAGE, BSIT, MIT, PhD Learner

This site was last updated 05/29/09  

Questions or comments can be sent to:  webmaster@pullam.net