Goliad Connection
Christi Connection
Paul Jr. (Parents/Siblings)
Provided by Katie from: http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/g/e/r/Katie-M-Gerardstarnes/index.html GOLIAD CONNECTION HOME PAGE "LINKING OUR ROOTS TOGETHER. KNOWING WHO OUR RELATIVES ARE!
For many years we have gathered facts of interest as well as names of our ancestors. Now is an opportune time for us to begin to put the facts down on paper so that our offspring will know 'who they are' and 'where they come from'. The old folk used to say, don't forget your 'roots' or 'where you come from'. We, as a race of people whose roots descends from slavery, have been so busy with just the business of surviving each day, that we have not had time to venture into our pasts. Let me tell you, it is most interesting! During these few weeks that Kelvin, Anita, Charlene, Obelia, Geneva, Walter, Helen, and I have been trying to 'put the pieces' together, it has been a revelation. We are finding family members whom we never knew existed, and even more, members whose families have more than one surnames. Of course we knew that this often happened during slavery when slaves were actually sold to the highest bidder who lived on other plantations...thusly breaking up families. We may never know to what extent our ancestors were scattered, but we can make an attempt to make the linkages with those who are in our immediate surroundings. Who knows just how far reaching this effort will be. Let us rejoice in our Father in Heaven's wonderful, and amazing creations. Our God, Jehovah reigns and nothing is impossible for Him to accomplish. Let us rejoice in Him and Lift Him up Always!!! Much Love, Katie M. Gerard Starnes P.S.- If you would like to create a 'page' just click on the 'What's New' icon above and then click on 'add page'. There are some pictures in the 'Pictures' section. You may also add comments or post messages in the 'documentation' section I believe. Oh, and the picture is of my nephew, Orlando, and his family in East Texas. He is the youngest son of Helen, my younger sister.
©2005 pullam.net
Paul Pullam Jr., AAGE, BSIT, MIT, PhD Learner
This site was last updated 05/29/09
Questions or comments can be sent to: webmaster@pullam.net