Goliad Connection Corpus   Corpus Christi Connection  Paul Jr. (Parents/Siblings)


bulletWe have received so many pictures, articles, lineage information, and family books that this site has expanded to just the Goliad Connection to store all this information.
bulletYou can send emails or question/comments or general information to:  family@pullam.net


This is my Grandmother's Grandmother.  See Katie's note: Josephine was my father's grandmother.



"Thought you might like to have this picture.  It is one of Grandma Jo, Grandpa Henry and several of their children.  Our grandmother, Elizah, was working on that day so is not on the picture.  I have an old copy of the picture in my possession.  Got it from Cousin Ida Mae before she died."
Katie Gerard Starnes

bulletKatie added: May 2005

"That's Grandma Jo and Grandpa Henry sitting in chairs.  I know that the last four are Uncle Jerry Anderson, Aunt Mary Anderson (Gentry) Bennett Lott, Uncle Willie Anderson, and Aunt Louisa Anderson Thompson.  Grandma Liza (Elizah) was one of the last five children and my grandmother.  Grandma Jo was Josephine Spriggs and her mother was Louise Boxley Spriggs & father was Joseph (Joe) Spriggs.  Grandpa Henry's mother was Harriett Ann Bess.  My grandmother, Elizah Anderson, married Monroe Gerard who had a sister named Mary Ann Gerard Ellison and a brother named Tom Gerard.  Do not know a lot about the Gerard ancestry.  Would like to know more.

Katie Mae Gerard Starnes (Daughter of James Robert Gerard, son of Elizah Anderson and brother of Annie J. Gerard Lewis, Willie Baxter Gerard, Sr., and Katie Belle Gerard (Pullam)(Anderson) Woods."





©2005 pullam.net

Paul Pullam Jr., AAGE, BSIT, MIT, PhD Learner

This site was last updated 05/29/09  

Questions or comments can be sent to:  webmaster@pullam.net